1-on-1 Session
personal guidance
A combination of energy healing and channeled guidance with the divine beings of light.
What do you get?
Note: The urgent energy blockages are removed and released in one session.
Energy reading
We start with understanding all your energy blockages, the root cause of the traumas, and trapped emotions and then ask for healing from divine beings of light.
Deep Healing with Divine beings of light
Then we do a deep healing of the priority blockages with the divine beings of light in a state of meditation. Shivangi will guide you into the meditation and then she starts the healing.
Messages from above
After healing, she will channel any guided message for you that is important for you and your current life situation.
Clear any doubts
If you have any questions, you can ask by the end of the session and you will get a guided meditation with instructions to practice.
How it helped
These are just two of the stories, if you want to read more, please visit my Instagram HighLights.
Hi Shivangi, I am still experiencing the after-effects of my healing sessions with you and I am loving this version of me. I am feeling so connected to myself and also able to consciously pull back my energy if my mind starts to wander. As a result, I am not anxious and also not worried about the future. Just feeling that somehow things will work out and am ready to embrace the change. Also, you suggested being in my feminine energy is helping me with confidence, clarity, and insights. I am taking action with the insights and ideas I am getting with journaling and meditation. And this is giving me a sense of fulfillment where I am building the life of how the Higher Self lives. I am so grateful for your help and I feel very lucky to know you 🙏😀
Pooja, Norway
My first meditation part was absolutely emotional. When you said there is a waterfall from the sky that will be coming onto me. I felt like my eyes already let that waterfall flow out of me.
But that feeling when I felt that water is from Lord Shiva’s crown & Maa Ganga is healing me and I hugged her. I just couldn’t stop crying. It was so emotional but magnificent. And my connection with everything you said and even before you said was just unreal. I don’t know how to thank you. But you’re definitely ‘God sent’ to me. Thank you thank you thank you for everything
Bhawna, Australia

It is your time to Heal
It will be a 3 months journey with Deep Healing sessions, channeled meditations, and constant 1:1 guidance with Shivangi. We will do a total of 6 live sessions and so much more in the 3 months.
If you want to start by taking 1 session first, that is also available. An installment payment option is available. So if you are really invested, please contact me.