Meet Shivangi

How it all began?
I have always been asked this one how do you do this? I only have one answer...I Surrender.
Hi, I am Shivangi, I am here with a purpose, to heal and raise the consciousness of planet Earth. But it took me years to come closer to my soul purpose. Though right from my birthtime, my family has witnessed extraordinary events. My family believes strongly in Sai Baba and after 11 years of waiting my parents were finally expecting after they visited Sai. I was going to come along with my baby brother. But the universe had other plans. My mother had a very difficult delivery and the doctors gave up on all 3 of us. My mother almost collapsed and we lost our brother just after delivery. Witnessing death so early in my life and the separation of my brother, became a huge reason for my spiritual journey. Since childhood, I used to talk and write about death and life beyond death. I was reading books like The Secret as an 8-year-old child.
My school and college were exactly how any other people pleaser, with lots of heartbreaks, high scores, loads of achievements, and a lot of self-criticisms. I was always an obese child, so low self-worth was pretty easy to come. Though my career kept me busy as I was so stuck with winning. But one day when I was finally working in a well-paying advertising firm, I felt like quitting. The weird experiences that I had as a child also started increasing, feeling spirits, astral travel, time glitches, and psychic attacks became common.
After I quit my job, I was completely lost and I slowly went into depression. That was the time when I also had a difficult end to a very toxic relationship. This was the second time I had quit my job and ended a toxic relationship. That is when I decided, I need to end this. That is when my awakening journey truly began. Since then it has been a ride. I have met angels, Extra-terrestrials passed on souls, and divine beings of light from different dimensions. I started channeling and doing energy healing, without learning anything. I started seeing my past lives. All the beautiful and crazy experiences brought me to a point where I knew it is time to share my gifts.
I started my own spiritual business, created a community of 300+ souls from all across the globe, healed so many women and men, helped people attract their soulmates, healed their emotional blockages, helped people attract abundance, and started teaching those who also are healers.
I have had the support of some brilliant teachers like JF BROU and Vikram Dhar in this journey. I am truly grateful to each and everyone who has believed in me. If you ask me if being a healer is easy, I will say no, but it is so worth it that I will do it all over again. Today I have created abundance for myself, attracted a loving relationship, and working on my own terms, but I am just getting started.
Join me on this journey of Ascending Humanity, We are all healers.
Surrender, Heal & Awaken
Shivangi Ranjjan